Enjoy the Meet and Greet that is a start to a great Conference
Double Tree by HiltonIce Breaker

Come and experience an evening of friendship and networking at the President's Night
London Hunt and Country ClubPresident's Night

Come and experience an evening of entertainment and networking at this historic venue.
The FactoryCasual Night
The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) will celebrate 73 years of serving Ontario's senior police leaders and communities at its 2024 Annual Conference in London, ON
Since 1951, the OACP has been recognized as the voice of Ontario’s police leaders. In the decades since Chief Clarence Bagnall served as the OACP’s first President, the OACP has continued to advocate on behalf of our members and their communities on important public policy issues. We have also continued to provide our members with training and educational conferences and seminars and served as a conduit for police leaders to share ideas and solutions to the challenges facing law enforcement as a profession.
Over the past 72 years, our association has grown to meet the changing needs of our members and the police organizations and communities they service. The OACP continues to forge new partnerships with government, community groups, and other justice stakeholders based on our belief that working together, we can accomplish more on behalf of our members and all Ontarians.
Our Annual Conference will seek to equip and encourage participants to meet the needs of policing in 2024 and beyond. It will be good to meet with friends and colleague – old and new – once again!
To all the police leaders who have served through and along with the OACP, we honour your legacy. To all the police leaders who make us the voice of Ontario’s police leaders, we thank you for your professionalism, your passion, and your dedication.
Jeff McGuire
Executive Director
Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police